Wednesday, November 3, 2010

New York, New York 10028

I have always wanted to live in NYC. After college, I was just 3 hours south in Washington, DC and enjoyed visiting friends in the city frequently. I have interviewed off and on since those visits, once getting an offer at Sotheby's, but the timing was never right.

Lilybrooke is my ideal job that allows me to be busy in the summer months in a town that I adore, Kennebunkport, but also have the freedom to explore or hibernate in the winter months. This winter I finally landed in New York's Upper East Side. Since the majority of my brides live in New York, it is a perfect location for me to be.

Gabby (my dog) and I arrived today and the first adventure after unpacking and delivering the rental car was to walk the three short, beautiful blocks to the Metropolitan Museum. I haven't been there in years and have never been there at night. It was a stunning and wonderful welcome to our new neighborhood.

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