Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Radio Ad for "The Wedding Experience"

Today our ads for The Wedding Experience began to play on five different area radio stations throughout Grand Rapids, MI. Taping radio spots is so much fun to play around with. It was a challenge to create an image for the wedding show using drama and inflection in your voice. I'm certainly not great at it, but enjoy the opportunity when tasked with it.

The equipment and how they edit is amazing to me. They can make you talk faster (even ever so slightly) or slower to fill that 60 or 30 second time-slot perfectly. They can remove the pauses or edit out the slightest error and replace it with the corrected version. Below is what my voice looks like on a computer monitor. Thanks to Gene the Production Director below, and Steve (our cameraman).

The amazing lesson is, if you aren't smiling, you can hear it. I guess it's true that you never are fully dressed without a smile.


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