Saturday, October 10, 2009

Hope College Alumni Lacrosse Game. Ouch.

I made a last minute decision to participate in the Hope College Alumni Lacrosse game during homecoming this weekend. I have not picked up a stick since 1996 (other than to move it from city to city with my other personal belongings).

42 lacrosse players came out for the game. 24 of them were alumni. 18 were current Hope College lacrosse players. 1 girl. (Since my tenure, the school has sense added a woman's team). I laced up my shoes, put on my shoulder, rib and elbow pads and put on a helmet that has never felt comfortable. How hard could it be...
Having successfully run my first marathon in July, I had a false sense of security. Team sports that involve sprinting are nothing like running a marathon. 30 seconds later I was out of breath and miserable. After hacking on a nearby player as many times as possible, I quickly exited the field and took my turn on the sidelines. I noticed that the other team's players of current college students were not even sweating as they came off the field. Ahh, this "alumni" game appears to be an homage to getting older. But worth it. And I'm looking forward to next year!

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